
In November 2010, Mennonite Central Committee Alberta hosted peacemaker Waihenya Njoroge for three weeks, and traveled with him from LaCrete, in northern Alberta to Vauxhall, in southern Alberta, presenting 26 times, promoting the peace and HIV/AIDS work happening in Kenya.  Waihenya is the coordinator of the Lari Peace Program, and works with 23 different ethnic communities in Kenya, promoting and building peace in schools and communities, and working with former sex trade workers, offering counseling and job training.

During Waihenya's time in Alberta, he learned about an MCC Alberta fundraising initiative called Cycle South for AIDS.  In June 2010, brothers, Adam and John Beriault, wanted to do something to support MCC's work with HIV/AIDS.  They decided to cycle from LaCrete, AB, to Coaldale, AB...a total of 1450 kms...to raise awareness and funds for MCC's work with HIV/AIDS.  The initiative, Cycle South for AIDS, not only raised awareness, but also raised a total of $181,000 for MCC!  When Waihenya heard about this effort he wondered if something similar could happen in Kenya.

So, on April 30th, after months of planning and collaborating with folks in Kenya, five Canadian cyclists will travel to Kenya, and join 10 Kenyan cyclists, 10 support team members, including a videographer, and will begin a journey to promote peace and raise awareness about HIV/AIDS.   We hope to post daily updates of the trip, depending on internet access of course. We hope you will follow the journey with us, and cheer us on!  This is part one of the cycling journey!  Part two will begin June 24th, with John and Adam cycling from LaCrete to Edmonton, and then Coaldale to Sherwood Park, in time for the Sherwood Park relief sale, July 8-9, 2011.